Increase Your Adsense Income

1. In order to understand Adsense, you need to know how Adwords works. Go to Google Adwords.

2. Write pages based on good-paying keywords (top paying keywords). Search for these high paying keywords in google.

3. English keywords pay generally better than keywords in other languages.

4. Place your ads in strategic places. These are places in order to jump. In this way, you will receive more clicks on your ads and you'll increase your click-through rate (CTR).

5. Provide your ads with the right colors. These colors must associate with the layout of your website. This way you avoid "ad blindness" and increase your CTR.

6. Even if you get huge traffic, the AdSense income from the site is more dependent on the site type and audience. Google targets AdSense ads automatically to the site content. Or at least, it does so ideally ? but some types of content fare better than others with this targeting. I noticed for instance that AdSense does better on a games site than on a technology blog. I also heard people say that AdSense does quite good on product oriented blogs; say, one post solely about the iPod; another post solely about Gadget XYZ, and so on



Safe Link Converter

Encrypting your link and protect the link from viruses, malware, thief, etc!
Made your link safe to visit.

How to use our tool:

  1. Click on How To Use menu above.
  2. Click on the code and CTRL + C on your keyboard.
  3. Paste the code in your HTML blog theme before the </body>.
  4. Save your HTML blog theme. you are done!
  5. Now, your blog's outbound links was encrypted!



Your link show here


7. Consider using AdSense even when the page doesn't get any traffic yet. Who knows, some day the traffic suddenly explodes, and you might not realize fast enough and thus miss out on the action (as sometimes, traffic goes as fast as it comes).

8. Sometimes you may get a sudden increase in traffic, hence ad clicks, but you can't locate the source of the traffic. I'm using google analytics to track my sites, though AdSense is also a good first indicator of traffic explosions... because it will show the combined page views of all your sites (provided you include AdSense on all of them), as opposed to Google Analytics, where you need to check site by site individually.

9. Making money with AdSense takes time. In my experience, it may take many months to years for a site to gain enough traffic to make OK money through AdSense... if ever. I have almost never experienced any site making quick and easy money with AdSense (though you may be getting quicker results than me of course, as it depends on so many variables!).

10. Never click on your own ads, Google is smarter than you think. If fraud is discovered, your account will most likely be removed, and pending charges will be deleted.
